Blankets: a use for every room of your home.
Back at the beginning of our human history, we used to protect ourselves with animal skins. We gradually started to braid clothes with animal and vegetal fibers, discovered the strings and how to lace them. With time new tools allowed our techniques to create better clothes warmer and with a higher resistance to our environment.
In the Middle Age with the boom of trade, in Occident the sheets trade allows the circulation of various materials between countries (for example wool and sheets products from Flandres and plants for tints from Italy). It’s finally in the 17th Century that beds started to compile a lot of decorative elements to show the social status of the owners.
Until then, the components of the bedroom and bathroom only had a functional purpose.
Nowadays there is a whole world of brands and products only to decorate your home. Every single one of the rooms can create a particular atmosphere, using subtle objects as the blankets.
Primarily used to warm the bed, the throw blankets have been “banished” for a while of our houses because of its old-fashioned aspect, sometimes particularly ugly. But thanks to the fashion world that reinvent itself, blankets became again a must-have element in the decoration of our homes. More and more often they are just used as accessories.
Depending on the season, you can change their colors, so it suits better the atmosphere and the rest of the decoration of the house:
- During the summer, we want fresh air, so choose light and soft candy colors. Take some furniture outside so the blankets you want to keep using can be used as accessories on some chair or table garden.
- With the autumn, we want to tide up everything and some warmer colors. Depending on your taste you can accentuate the palette that you normally have. The thin blankets that you have start appearing in the living room.
- Winter is here, we want to be warm, light on candles and see some rough materials like wood. It’s the perfect time to use your thicker, warmer and softer throw blankets, mostly white, powder or animal print to cover yourself up in the sofa or on your bed.
- When spring is back, you can make space for your plants and a lighter decoration. Play with a new set of blankets, lighter than the winter ones but with different colors than the autumn: play with a more pastel palette.
The different seasons also call to different materials: cashmere, wool, velvet (more for the winter weather), tissue, cotton and flax (for warmer seasons).
When you choose your throw blankets you don’t only have to select the color only according to the rest of your decoration, you also have to take in consideration the room where it will be used.
The throw blanket that will end up in sofa might need to be light and cheap because it will be used mostly as a decoration. But the throw blanket that you will use to put on your bed might need to be thicker and softer. A bed set is composed by various elements so you will have different options to choose how to match headboard, bolster, pillows, sheets, comforter and legs of the bed.
The sofa and the beds are the pieces at the center of the decoration of these rooms. So, you actually have a lot of options to make them match with other materials, colors and styles (boho, modern, gypsy, beach, minimalist).
You can use them to decorate also your garden furniture and spend a nice evening out in the fresh air: it’s a good addition to a table to eat outside during the summer.
The diversity of the existing brands also gives you the possibility to personalize your own blanket in terms of colors, size, ornaments, etc.. Prices are very different depending on your wallet needs: you can purchase very cheap throw blankets or invest in a big piece that will last you for long (some blankets go up to 400 dollars).
Keep in mind that it’s the best accessory to get to your room: you can store it easily, change it depending on your taste and the season. The biggest benefit is than it can give a new look to a room without having to change the furniture.
Throw blankets are very special decoration accessories, they are existing and co-existing between different timelines and generations, for different uses. Today they are more decorative than functional but are still present. We still want “traditional” objects in our spaces, in the middle of manufactured furniture purchased by thousands of people living in similar house-looking-catalogs. Throw blankets are a masterpiece object dressing the room, a traditional blanket with a touch of modernity and fashion but without any eccentric or bling-bling apparel.